Flemish Dance and Songbooks: Piffaro

Featured in this program is Piffaro, a late Medieval and Renaissance ensemble from Philadelphia. Under the direction of Joan Kimball and Robert Wiemken, Piffaro tours extensively in the United States and Europe. In the first half of the program, Piffaro performs music from the Odhecaton, an anthology of secular songs published by Ottaviano Petrucci in 1501 in Venice. This selection includes music by Antoine Bruhier, Alexander Agricola and Jacob Obrecht. In the second part Piffaro performs music from the collection created and published by Tielman Susato, a Flemish composer and publisher of the 16th Century. It includes compositions by Johannes Ghiselin, Agricola, Obrecht, and other Renaissance composers of the early 16th Century.

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Delightful prospect this Odhecaton--but the link does not work!

Submitted by Haal on Fri, 11/19/2021 - 21:22. Report abuse