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Aleksandar Simic

Aleksandar Simic


Aleksandar Simić

(SerbianCyrillic:Александар Симић) (born January 22, 1973 in Belgrade, Serbia) is an accomplished Serbian composer; according to the US State Department website, he has established a reputation as one of the leading classical composers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
He is noted for composing music for official events, including
Bicentennial of the modern Serbian state, 50th anniversary of victory
over fascism in WWII, and a text read by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the fourth anniversary commemoration at Ground Zero.

From his earliest days, the family residence constantly shifted:
from Bremen to Singapore, Rome to London, Nicosia to Istanbul… Not
surprisingly, so too did his fields of interest -- from art to biology,
from literature to physics…

In 1994, while completing his third year of study at the Medical
Faculty in Belgrade, he took the entrance exams at the Faculty of
Music, and, although lacking a single day of formal musical training,
placed first among all the applicants and entered formally into the
world of music. Since then, his opus has expanded rapidly and he has
established a reputation as one of the leading classical composers of
the late 20th/early 21st centuries.

Some of his more acclaimed works include:

  • Missa Solemnior: (a Vatican commission) marking the Year of Reconciliation following 950 years of schism between eastern and western Christianity.[2]
  • Zhukov - A Portrait: commissioned by the Russian Federation to mark the 50th anniversary of victory over fascism in WWII.
  • Prayer of Deliverance From Our Evil Enemies: in commemoration of victims of the Shoah (60 years of the Holocaust)
  • Lullaby for Baby Jesus: marking 2000 years of Christianity,
    performed at official celebrations in more than fifteen different
    countries during millennial celebrations by Catholic, Orthodox and
    Protestant Churches.
  • Remember: inspired by the victims of 9/11. Text read by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the fourth anniversary commemoration at Ground Zero.
  • Yesenin:
    a cycle of songs commemorating the centenary of the birth of this
    famous Russian author, undertaken in cooperation with the renowned
    Serbian artist Olja Ivanjicki, as inspired by the Hartman/Musorgsky collaboration.
  • Crucified: a world anthem of people suffering from Muscular Dystrophy, commissioned by the Telethon Foundation.
  • A Little Mass: commemorating 25 years of the papacy of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, commissioned by the Bishopric Conference of Europe
  • The Little Town Where Time Stood Still: a symphonic poem inspired by Bohumil Hrabal
  • Faust: an opera for solo violoncello, marking the bicentenary of J.W. Von Goethe.

His music has also been used to mark numerous other official events,
including the Bicentennial of the Serbian state, the Tricentennial of Saint Petersburg , Ecumenical gatherings of all the Eastern Orthodox Patriarchs. He has also written scores for TV, film, theater and large sports events, such as the Universiade 2009 or Figure Skating World Championship LA 2009.

Mr. Simić is a member of British Academy of Composers and
Songwriters and a president of the Association for Promotion and
Popularization of Classical Music.

He is the founder of an ensemble called The Seraphim.

Performances by Aleksandar Simic

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Aleksandar Simic Concerts

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