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Julia walz, Piano

Julia walz, Piano


Hello! My name is Julia Walz and I am 19 years old. Music has always been a large part of my life. I have been taking piano since I was 5; and, it certainly has been a rewarding journey.

I attended a private school run by the Sisters of Saint Thomas Aquinas where I received an excellent education in music and many other arts and sciences. It was there that my passion for piano began and developed. I have since graduated from that school and am presently continuing my studies at a music academy in Tampa, Florida.

I admit that I have gone through a few grueling years when practicing was a daily drudgery. But, now, I have come to truly love every minute on the piano!

I believe that music is the most perfect of man's inventions. Behind every piece there is the mastermind of the composer; there is a person trying to relay a message to the listener; and when that message is unraveled and understood, a part of the composer's character and person is revealed. Thus, in its very essence, music, especially classical music, is a beautiful perfection. 

Performances by Julia walz

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Julia walz Concerts

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