Classical Music | Piano Music

Robert Schumann

Waldszenen (Forest Scenes), Op. 82  Play

Sofya Melikyan Piano

Recorded on 03/28/2012, uploaded on 06/23/2012

Musician's or Publisher's Notes


The series of miniatures that make up Waldszenen (Forest Scenes), Op. 82 were completed during one of Schumann's most prolific years and contain a cycle of pieces depicting different forest settings. It would be hard to name any composition which gives a more charming and complete picture of that particular side of German sentimentality known as Gemütlichkeit. Everything seems to be in its proper place, tidy and comfortable. The forest journey begins with"Eintritt" (Entrance) in a bouncy ambulatory mood and is followed by "Jäger auf derLauer" (Hunter in Ambush), an affectionate depiction of the sinister. Seemingly clumsy split notes are scattered through "Einsame Blumen" (Lonely Flowers) in a charming way, but the mood changes drastically in "Verrufene Stelle" (Haunted Places). "Freundliche Landschaft" (Pleasant Landscape) immediately clears the airand the welcoming friendliness of "Herberge" (Shelter) is almost a caricature of acrackling hearth. "Vogel als Prophet" (Bird as Prophet), strange and ephemeral, iswell-known outside of the cycle and was an immediate favorite with the public. A jolly "Jagdlied" (Hunting Song), replete with the horn calls of the chase, leads into the contemplative and serene "Abschied" (Farewell.        Sofya Melikyan