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Joined: 06/02/2009

I found an interesting article about the progression of classical music, and I wanted to get everyone's take on if you agree with the article. It can be found here.

It makes some pretty bold, yet some valid, statements about how classical music is too contained to today's standards. Although, I think the preservation of what made this music so great is something that keeps this genre moving in almost a surreal way ahead of its peers. While this success may not be in proud marketing demographics, I don't necessarily think it inhibits the quality of the music.

Joined: 01/28/2009

A very interesting article.  I think that the "new" concert format took over because it made it easier for larger and larger audiences to appreciate music.  I don't think it's a "class" thing, it's an evolved behavior.  And of course the size of concert halls made a difference: what was tolerable in a small salon would be very distracting in a modern concert hall.  There is a threat that modern concerts might turn into Kabuki performances.  Let's hope that music a more vital art.