Classical Music | Ensemble Music

Rocky Leplin

The Purpose of the Moon  Play

Rocky Leplin Ensemble

Recorded on 01/01/1990, uploaded on 11/18/2009

Musician's or Publisher's Notes

This is the title song, and the last song in my musical The Purpose of the Moon. The original has a piano score, but I created a MIDI accompaniment in four hours and as it played back through speakers, I sang the lyrics into a microphone. 

Listeners' Comments        (You have to be logged in to leave comments)

This is as good as any song, in any musical, written by anyone, anywhere, ever. I have spoken. --Rocky (the fact that I can't sing only makes it that much more wistful, magical and satisfying)

Submitted by rleplin on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 23:40. Report abuse